Chicago Aeronuts Bulletin Vol. IV No. 5 (Feb 1940)
First issue with the new header artwork (“outdoor-fuse design”) that was the result of a contest spanning several issues (won by “Sinny”).
Lists the results of the election held at the last meeting in 1939:
President: Joe Matulis
Vice-president: Ed Lidgard
Secretary: Walter Fromm
Treasurer: Pete Vacco
New council members: Frank Nekimken and Carl Goldberg
Robert Wolsey announces he’s stepping down as editor to finish school in June, to be succeeded by Joe Redman.
Contains a very short introduction to helicopters by Alex Nekimken, promising to explain “just how to use a tail” in the next issue.
Last page is scale drawings of “BIRDIE #1″, an indoor Class A glider by V.M. Garofalo.